Women, Infants & Children
Who We Are
WIC is a supplemental nutrition program that helps improve the health of pregnant and postpartum women, infants and children under the age of five. WIC services are provided at no cost to you and your family and does not require proof of citizenship.
What We Do
We provide individual and group nutrition education and counseling, breastfeeding education and support, WIC foods, and referrals to health care and other supporting agencies.
Who's Eligible?
- Women:
- Who are pregnant
- Breastfeeding
- Who recently had a pregnancy loss
- Who recently had a baby
- Infants
- Children under the age of 5
- Caretakers (such as dads, grandparents, temporary guardians, foster parents, etc.) of children under the age of 5 are encouraged to apply.
What We Offer
You will need to create an account before completing your first online class. Have your WIC Family ID with you and be sure to select Stanislaus County Health Services Agency as the agency when signing up.
- Go to: wichealth.org
- Select “Sign Up” to create an account
- Complete section “Create an Account”
NOTE: Be sure to select the right Agency (Stanislaus County Health Services Agency) and Clinic (your WIC office)- Enter your WIC Family ID number
- Complete the questions and click “Register” to finish creating your account
NOTE: Be sure to create a simple, easy-to-remember Username and Password for future access to your online education account - Welcome to Online Education! Once you've created an account you can start your online class.
- Go to: wichealth.org
- Select “Log in” to access your account.
- Click “Start Lesson”, pick one of the five categories, and choose a lesson.
NOTE: In some cases you need to complete a specific class. In these cases WIC staff will notify you which class to complete.- Answer the “End of Lesson” questions and click “Submit”.
- After completing a class, please call 209-558-7377 or text SCWChat to 888-413-8165 to receive your benefits.
- WIC Shopping Guide
- Vendors Accepting WIC
- WIC App Setup Guide (English|Spanish) [pdf]
- Family Resources
- Dentists Accepting Medi-Cal
- Maternal and Family Mental Health Referral Resource Guide English I Spanish
There are many reasons to refer your patients to WIC. WIC can assist with nutrition education, breastfeeding support and supplemental food. Use the forms below to refer.Hospital Referral Form
Medical Formula and Nutrition Request form
Pediatric Referral
Pregnant Woman Referral
Postpartum-Breastfeeding Woman Referral
Referral Instructions
When referring to WIC remember to:1. Use the appropriate WIC referral form.
2. Complete the form and ensure it includes the patient's labs (hemoglobin and hematocrit, lead levels and height and weight) and is dated and signed.
Therapeutic Formula
WIC's RoleIf one of WIC's contract formulas is not appropriate for your patients, there may be a medical condition warranting a therapeutic formula. As part of the patient's treatment plan, therapeutic formulas should be covered by the health plan when the clinician provides adequate medical justification. WIC can provide formula temporarily while coverage is pending. Should your patient be denied coverage by Medi-Cal or other health insurance, WIC may provide the therapeutic formula. WIC will require a prescription* as well as a letter of denial from the health plan or Medi-Cal.
Formula Options
Choose the formula that is right for your patient. Below are the options provided by WIC.WIC Contract Formulas (No Rx required)
Therapeutic Formulas (Rx Required)
*Note: Prescription must include patient name, birth date, name of formula, medical diagnosis, amount needed per day, duration, and signature of healthcare provider.
Do you need proof that you are/were participating in the WIC Program?
Please select your preferred language and complete the Verification of Participation form.
Please email your completed Verification of Participation form and a copy of your ID to wic@cdph.ca.gov. If you have any questions about your request, please contact the state WIC office at 1-800-852-5770.
Participant Request for Verification of Participation_Fillable (English | Spanish) [pdf]