Air Quality Index
Index Values | Air Quality Description (Color Description) |
Health Cautionary Statement |
0-50 | Good (Green) | No limitations |
51 - 100 | Moderate (Light Yellow) | Extremely sensitive children and adults, especially with respiratory diseases such as asthma, should consider limiting outdoor exertion. |
101 - 150 | Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups (Orange) | Sensitive children, adults and especially those with respiratory diseases such as asthma, should limit prolonged outdoor exertion. |
151 - 200 | Unhealthy (Red) | Sensitive children and adults should avoid outdoor exertion and everyone else should limit prolonged outdoor exertion during peak ozone periods. |
201 - 300 | Very Unhealthy (Purple) | Sensitive children and adults should avoid outdoor activities and remain indoors. Everyone else should avoid outdoor exertion. |
Over 300 | Hazardous (Deep Purple) | Everyone, especially children, should avoid outdoor activities and remain indoors. |
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