Maternal Child Adolescent Program [MCAH]

Who We Are

The Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health (MCAH) Program provides local women, children, and their families with access to comprehensive, quality healthcare services and focuses on prevention and early intervention strategies. Our services focus on reducing low birth weight and premature delivery, maternal and infant mortality, and preventing diseases and handicapping conditions among children. Our goal is to reduce health disparities and protect and improve health outcomes among our families, including pregnant women, parenting women and men, and their children.

What We Do

We serve families, pregnant women, teens, and adults throughout Stanislaus County in a variety of home visitation programs and other community-based interventions. We help improve your health by providing you with information and knowledge to care for yourself, your children, and the community resources appropriate for your needs.

What We Offer

Home Visiting services provide comprehensive case management, including assessment, identification of goals, referrals to community resources, and coordination with other providers. Programs include:

All of these programs are free to participants.

Contact Information

Contact Us:
917 Oakdale Rd. Modesto, CA 95355
Phone 1: (800) 834-8171
Phone 2: (209) 558-7400
Mon - Fri
8am - 5pm

Social Media Updates

StanCounty Health Service Agency on Facebook