Tobacco Prevention Program
Who We Are
Stanislaus County Tobacco Prevention Program (TPP) is a program of Stanislaus County Public Health Division's Health Equity Policy and Promotion. It is funded through June 2027 by the California Department of Public Health's California Tobacco Prevention Program (CTPP). For nearly 30 years, CTPP has led the fight to keep tobacco out of the hands of youth, help tobacco users quit, and ensure that all Californians can live, work, play, and learn in tobacco-free environments. CTPP is the longest-running, most comprehensive tobacco control program in the nation.
What We Do
Working towards the vision of a tobacco-free Stanislaus, the Stanislaus County Tobacco Prevention Program (TPP) provides education and technical assistance to government agencies, community-based organizations, law enforcement, hospitals, clinics, businesses, and residents. A community-driven process guides Tobacco Prevention Program efforts to shift tobacco-related social norms across four priority areas:
- Flavored Tobacco Products With candy flavors and unrestricted advertising, e-cigarettes and vaping products are now the most common tobacco product used by teens. E-cigarettes and vapes typically contain nicotine which causes addiction, can harm brain development, and can be a gateway to smoking. The Tobacco Prevention Program works to reduce the harms of flavored tobacco products through education and limit youth access.
- Smoke-free Spaces Your air should not be secondhand anywhere. Secondhand smoke can cause asthma attacks, ear infections, and lung problems. Smoking can also lead to heart disease and lung cancer in adults. Tobacco litter, such as cigarette butts, is a significant environmental problem and is hazardous and highly toxic to adults, children, pets, birds, and other wildlife. Tobacco Prevention Program promotes smoke-free spaces by educating and empowering communities and providing technical assistance.
- Community Engagement Tobacco Prevention Program serves as the backbone agency for the TOPS (Tobacco Prevention Coalition) of Stanislaus. Comprised of various community partners, agencies, and passionate community members, the TOPS Coalition acts as an advisory committee to establish and address tobacco prevention priorities in Stanislaus County. The TOPS Coalition maintains page to engage and educate the community.
- Cessation Referral Systems tobacco is one of the most important things you can do to protect your health and the health of your loved ones. In collaboration with healthcare providers, community health clinics, community-based organizations, and passionate partners and volunteers, the Tobacco Prevention Program increases the availability and utilization of evidence-based cessation resources provided by Kick It California.
Ready to Quit Tobacco?
- English: 1-800-300-8086
- Spanish: 1-800-600-8191
- Vietnamese: 1-800-778-8440
- Cantonese & Mandarin: 1-800-838-8917
- Korean: 1-800-556-5564
- Deaf/Hearing Impaired: 1-800-933-4TDD
Or Text Kick It CA, by texting QUIT SMOKING to 66819 from your mobile phone, answer a few questions, and you'll start receiving the message. Text STOP at any time.
- Available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese.
Want to Get Involved?

The TOPS Coalition of Stanislaus County is comprised of various community partners, agencies, and passionate community members and acts as an advisory committee to establish and address tobacco control priorities in our county. To become a member or attend a meeting, please visit or call (209) 558-5657 to learn more.

PHAST— pronounced "fast"— is a youth coalition dedicated to Protecting Health And Slamming Tobacco through peer education and advocacy projects in schools and communities across Stanislaus County. PHAST is a joint project between the Stanislaus County Office of Education TUPE Program, the Stanislaus County Health Services Agency Tobacco Prevention Program, & Memorial Medical Center.
To learn how to get involved, please email or or call (209) 238-1368.