Contact HSA

General Health information & Referrals

HSA - Family Health Services (800) 834 8171
California Smokers Helpline (800) 662-8887
Emergency Preparedness information and education (209) 558-4941
Public Health Services (209) 558-7700

Vital Records

Vital Records Office Call (209) 558-8070
Out of Hospital Birth Certificates (By Appointment Only) Call (209) 558-8070 for Appointment
After Hours/Emergency Contact for Funeral Establishments only
(Weekends and Holidays 10AM – 2PM)
(209) 558 - 8409

Pregnancy Infants, Children, and Teens

Medical and Health Care Needs:

CHDP - health check up information and eligibility (209) 558-5349
Referrals to a doctor (209) 558-5349
Immunization clinic (209) 558-7700
CCS - information and eligibility for medical care for disabled children (209) 558-7515

Parenting and Safety Concerns:

SIDS supportive services (209) 558-7400
WIC (see description in “Pregnancy” section) (209) 558-7377
Lead exposure information (209) 558-7400


Family Planning (SHADE Teen Clinic) (209) 558-7777
Pregnant and Parenting (209) 558-7400

Adult Services

Preventive Health Care:

Health Promotion Classes (heart health, weight control, and diabetes management) (209) 558-5657
Smoking cessation referrals (209) 558-5657
Immunizations including flu shots and foreign travel (209) 558-7700
Family Planning information and referrals Available at all clinics

Communicable Diseases:

Information (209) 558-7700
Disease information and reporting (209) 558-5678
HIV and AIDS testing, information & counseling (209) 558-7700

Medical Clinic Services

Family and Pediatric Health Center (209) 558-4000
McHenry Medical Office (209) 558-5312
Teen Clinic (209) 558-7777
Stanislaus Urgent Care (209) 558-7212

Medical Coverage Assistance

Patient Finance Counselor (209) 558-7232