Injury Prevention Program

Who We Are

The Stanislaus County Injury Prevention Program is committed to preventing and reducing injuries through education, outreach, and strong community partnerships. We educate families on safe behaviors in-and-around the roads to prevent injuries from birth and beyond, whether in a vehicle, on a bicycle, or on foot. Our focus includes Child Passenger Safety, Helmet safety, and Safe Routes to Schools.

What We Do

The Injury Prevention Team provides education and support for child passenger, bicycle, and pedestrian safety throughout the county. In collaboration with community partners, the team provides education, hosts events such as bike rodeos, helps coordinate Walk to School and Bike to School Days, and conducts walking audits in local communities.

We work with a network of Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians to provide appointment-based car seat inspections and no-cost car seats to qualifying families and expecting parents.

Car Seat Inspection Locations [English] [Spanish]

How it works:

  1. The Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician will inspect your current car seat to assess:
    • If the car seat is properly installed.
    • If the car seat is appropriate for the child's height and weight.
  2. Educate you on car seat safety best practices.
  3. Provide a no-cost replacement car seat to those that qualify.

Who qualifies for a no-cost car seat?

Families that identify as low-income or are currently enrolled in a government assistance program AND meet one of the below situations:

  1. Do not have a car seat.
  2. Upon inspection, current car seat is identified to be damaged, expired, recalled, or not appropriate for the child's height and weight.


  • WISQARS - The Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS) is maintained by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It includes information about both fatal and non-fatal (emergency department visits) injuries. Users can generate reports on injury/death rates at the national or state level.
  • CDC Wonder - CDC Wonder is maintained by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC Wonder system's underlying cause of death database allows users to obtain information on deaths and death rates at the national, state, or county level. To access information on pedestrian and bicyclist deaths, users must enter the appropriate ICD 10 codes from the drop-down box in step 6, since using the injury intent/mechanism categories provided groups all motor vehicle traffic deaths (pedestrian/bicyclist/occupant/other). ICD 10 codes for Pedal cyclists involved in motor vehicle traffic collisions: V12-V14 (.3-.9) V19 (.4-.6); ICD 10 codes Pedestrians involved in motor vehicle collisions: V02-V04 (.1,.9), V09.2

  • Collision Data
  • FARS - The Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) is maintained by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. FARS includes information about all collisions in the US that resulted in at least one fatality. Interested users can either run queries online or download the raw data to analyze on their own. FARS includes information on the exact location of each collision, so data can be extracted at the state, county, or local level.
  • State Data Programs (NHTSA) - This website is maintained by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. It provides links to resources for crash data for each state.

Contact Information

Contact Us:
Health Promotion
215 E. Hackett Road Modesto, CA 95358
Phone 1: (209) 558-5657
Email: gro.ashcs@noitomorphtlaeh

Social Media Updates

StanCounty Health Service Agency on Facebook